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Post subject: Just for knowledge:
I have posted the following during discussions on a Jewish Forum, where I am the only invited Muslim:
XYZ Wrote: Interesting point. However, I think that Paul had some strange views about the relationship between his savior and his god. Didn't you read where he called Jesus his "great God and Savior"?
Yes, XYZ, I have read that. However, before I comment on that, I must say that Paul never believed that Jesus was God, which is clearly shown by 1 Timothy 5-7 and note that he confirms that he is not lying:
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??the testimony given in its proper time. And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??I am telling the truth, I am not lying�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.
So, Paul is on record for confirming that he did not consider Jesus as God.
There are quite a few statements of this sort in his letters, where it is made to appear as if Paul considered and called Jesus, God and Saviour.
This is wrong and I consider that as scribal errors, forgery, poor and bad translations and punctuations, specially the tricky Commas, to show falsely that Paul considered Jesus as God and Saviour. There are no originals of any of his letters left to compare with. In fact there is no original of anything in the New Testament at all.
In order to get the correct message, let us go to Titus 2:13 and compare various translations:
Titus 2:13 (Today's New International Version)
13 while we wait for the blessed hope�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Titus 2:13 (New International Version - UK)
13 while we wait for the blessed hope�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?? the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Titus 2:13 (Worldwide English (New Testament))
13All this is while we wait and hope to see the one who brings blessing. We are waiting for our great God to come in Jesus Christ. He is the One who will save us. He is wonderful!
Titus 2:13 (Wycliffe New Testament)
13 abiding the blessed hope and the coming of the glory of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Titus 2:13 (21st Century King James Version)
13looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ,
According to Jesus', he confirmed that he was not coming alone, when he replied to the High Priest.
And now let us read this and please read the footnotes, which shows the confused state of the scribes of various manuscripts:
:Titus 2:13 (Contemporary English Version)
13We are filled with hope, as we wait for the glorious return of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
1. Titus 2:13 the glorious return of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ: Or "the glorious return of our great God and our Savior Jesus Christ" or "the return of Jesus Christ, who is the glory of our great God and Savior."
The 3rd footnote is a bombshell that demolishes all others.
Sun 11 Apr, 2010 6:04 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Jun 12, 2007
Posts: 614
Post subject: Re: Something new to think about
Hello, Ahmed,
Can you post a copy of this to an FFI goon, KufirbintKufr, whose signature is the topic in my post?
Salaams, mate
BMZ wrote:
Everyone knows that I dislike Paul, the self-loathing sinner.
I have something new for all to think about and bring to the attention of polemic Christians:
"Galatians 1:7-8
If we or an angel from heaven should preach to you any message other than that which we preached to you, let him be accursed."
Another version:
"Galatians 1:8 (New International Version)
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!"
Now, please mark the time, the period and keep in mind the person who said that.
Question: Who were the people, who then stand eternally condemned?
Answer: All those people who created various Doctrines, Trinity and the Triune God because that was not preached by Paul and those with him.
Sun 11 Apr, 2010 9:37 pm
AhmedBahgat Site Admin
Status: Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Oct 16, 2006
And I laughed out my ass upon this asshole and ignorant fool, yeezevee, when I read this:
AhmedBahgat the Messenger gets message from that Bum Muslim Zombie
yah.. yadi..yadi.. that bum writes as if Quran is NOT a created doctrine, Where do you guys think Quran came from?? tell him to jump in to a well without water and break his legs.. So he can spend his time walking on crutches
Glad he considers himself a Bum now. Bum yeezevee. When will these FFI Goons grow up?
I believe this character yeezevee is Ali Sina, writing himself as a poster.
I will try to read and see what this Jesus Freak kufrbintkufr has to say. The post will go way above her heard. She would not even be able to comprehend the absurdity in the New Testament.
Mon 12 Apr, 2010 4:09 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 614
Post subject: Ahmed, I don't know how you keep cool with FFI Assholes
I don't have to worry about the foolish remarks from goons like Wootah, yeezevee, charleslemartel and Cassie but I find the Clown, the FFI Janitor aka Towelhead extremely idiotic, when he wrote:
"Your daughter is very cute and I'll bet she's really wonderful. Sincere congratulations!!!"
You really handle these incompetent goons well.
Sun 18 Apr, 2010 2:39 pm
AhmedBahgat Site Admin
Status: Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 3236 Location: Australia
Post subject: Re: Ahmed, I don't know how you keep cool with FFI Assholes
I don't have to worry about the foolish remarks from goons like Wootah, yeezevee, charleslemartel and Cassie but I find the Clown, the FFI Janitor aka Towelhead extremely idiotic, when he wrote:
"Your daughter is very cute and I'll bet she's really wonderful. Sincere congratulations!!!"
You really handle these incompetent goons well.
LOL mate, indeed, ugly was so drunk, but you know it is sunday morning _________________
Sun 18 Apr, 2010 4:16 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Jun 12, 2007
Posts: 614
Post subject: Re: Ahmed, I don't know how you keep cool with FFI Assholes
I don't have to worry about the foolish remarks from goons like Wootah, yeezevee, charleslemartel and Cassie but I find the Clown, the FFI Janitor aka Towelhead extremely idiotic, when he wrote:
"Your daughter is very cute and I'll bet she's really wonderful. Sincere congratulations!!!"
You really handle these incompetent goons well.
LOL mate, indeed, ugly was so drunk, but you know it is sunday morning
You just reminded me of the drama in Acts 2:
13 But others in the crowd ridiculed them, saying, Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢??TheyÃ??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢??re just drunk, thatÃ??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢??s all!Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?¢?Ã??????Ã?????Ã????Ã???Ã??Ã?Â
14 Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem!
Make no mistake about this.
15 These people are not drunk, as some of you are assuming.
Nine o�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??clock in the morning is much too early for that.
Sun 18 Apr, 2010 5:44 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Jun 12, 2007
Posts: 614
Post subject: Idiots at work on FFI
I was reading this thread, where the FFI goons are talking to Eagle, a Muslim.
In fact, Eagle is handling all the goons well and wrote:
8:39 just like 2:193 says that the opressor must be fought until he desists from his opression. This means that the phrase "religion should be only for Allah" has nothing to do with erasing other forms of worship.
On the meaning of "oppression", since you are bent on denying the Truth and will dispute anything coming from God, read Hajj:39-40 and finish your education with Mumtahina:8-9.
Then I read this idiotic response from the resident Hindu goon, Skynightblaze:
I guess you must have been really exhausted with lying because I see now you are denying the meaning of simple english sentences. "Fight them until religion of Allah is everywhere" . What does this mean to you?
Now, first the FFI goons do not know that 8:39 goes with 8:38 and second, this Asshole Skynightblaze writes "Fight them until religion of Allah is everywhere"
Where did this Clown get the words "is everywhere" from? Looks like the Clown is only referring to Yusuf Ali's translation.
No wonder, this clown use only Yusuf Ali's translation to present his idiotic and foolish points.
Tell the fool to read other translations.
Can you please copy and PM to Eagle or post this note, if you see it fit?
Mon 19 Apr, 2010 2:01 am
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 614
Post subject: Eagle at FFI
Eagle is a very intelligent and knowledgeable Muslim, who is handling the FFI goons very well.
I enjoyed reading his post addressed to the Towel-head:
Are you aware that yeezevee is an Israeli? I read it in a short article by a genuine ex-Muslim, whose name I won't reveal here. I will PM you later after finding that article.
Tue 20 Apr, 2010 1:35 am
AhmedBahgat Site Admin
Status: Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Post subject: Re: Eagle at FFI
BMZ wrote:
Eagle is a very intelligent and knowledgeable Muslim, who is handling the FFI goons very well.
I enjoyed reading his post addressed to the Towel-head:
Are you aware that yeezevee is an Israeli? I read it in a short article by a genuine ex-Muslim, whose name I won't reveal here. I will PM you later after finding that article.
Indeed mate, Eagle is a good Muslim and he is slam dunking those agnorant goons for some time now, may Allah bless him
Yeh mate, I suspected it since day one, but I really careless about that, the race or country of anyone good or bad makes absolutely no difference to me.
An enemy is an enemy regardless where they came from
Are you aware that yeezevee is an Israeli? I read it in a short article by a genuine ex-Muslim, whose name I won't reveal here. I will PM you later after finding that article.
Indeed mate, Eagle is a good Muslim and he is slam dunking those agnorant goons for some time now, may Allah bless him
Yeh mate, I suspected it since day one, but I really careless about that, the race or country of anyone good or bad makes absolutely no difference to me.
An enemy is an enemy regardless where they came from
Take care mate
True that.
Please PM my regards and salaams to Eagle, if you can. Thanks
Salaams, mate
Tue 20 Apr, 2010 1:38 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 614
Post subject: IslamicReplies at FFI
Hello, Ahmed
Remember I had told you that FFI has a dearth of Muslims and creates its own Muslim posters, so that they can keep the dying FFI alive and keep on talking to themselves?
Here is the proof and I found it, when I read this silly thread:
And I was shocked to read this from IslamicReplies, FFI's own fictitious Muslim:
Moreover, if you Quranists solidly belief in ONLY the Quran and refer to literally nothing else, then I can bring contradictions and inconsistencies in the Quran, in which Quranists (according to his/her criteria) would NOT be able to solve, without referring to the authentic Hadiths and historical background from Hadiths.
So, the real "Mushriks" are people like you, who lack knowledge of Islam, and then make claims with no proof.
What a FRAUD from the dirty FFI goons! Fucked up idiots and assholes. No Muslim would write like that.
IslamicReplies sounds more like Skynightblaze or Yeezevee writing and replying himself.
Salaams, mate
Tue 20 Apr, 2010 2:01 pm
BMZ Moderator
Status: Age: 76 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 614
Post subject: A New Topic at Topix
Hi, all
I have opened a new topic at Topix for Ali Sina and his FFI goons.
We know that none of the clowns and goons at FFI understand the Arabic of qur'aan and they write loads of rubbish by reading translations.
How can these goons of FFI understand Iqbal's poetry in Persian and Urdu?
Could you check with yeezevee if he understands Persian and Urdu? Is he capable enough to understand Allam Iqbal's poetry in the two languages and his use of Arabic within?
Or if the goons will be discussing it through English translations?
Iqbal wrote a Shikwah (An Imaginary Complaint from God) and then wrote Jawaab-e-Shikwah (Answer by Muslims).
The way the minds of these clown works, the goons will title it:
"Muslim's God was complaining"
Absolutely hilarious guys, mate.
Sat 01 May, 2010 1:17 am
AhmedBahgat Site Admin
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Salam mate
The link does not show the the thread, can you check it please _________________
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